Friday, July 9, 2010

Eagle River Hike

The first hike we went on was out of the Eagle River Nature Center in the Chugach State Park- which is the third largest state park in the US. It was about a 45 minute drive from Anchorage. Everywhere we have seen so far is incredibly green with tons of wildflowers blooming. There are lakes and rivers all over and mountains in every direction you look.
I guess there are lots of bears and moose around, though we have yet to see or hear any bears. But we have bear bells and bear pepper spray just to be safe. Its funny, the pepper spray for bears is less potent than the type used for humans. I guess the animal rights people insisted that it be somewhat humane. Although if a bear decided to attack me, I'd rather have the strong stuff.
Here are some pictures of the plants and fungi we saw on our hike.
The Cottonwood trees are in bloom right now and everywhere we go these white seeds float through the air.

On the drive home we saw our first moose and her calf right on the side of the freeway.

1 comment:

  1. Shoot, I can't believe the pepper spray is not the same strength for bears. That is not a happy thing! Fabulous pictures. So many wild flowers.
