The city of Seldovia has a great fourth of july celebration. So we decided to go down there for the weekend. The only way to reach Seldovia is to take a boat or plane across the Kachemak Bay from Homer. So we planned to drive to Kenai and spend a night there and then drive to Homer and spend the night before going to Seldovia the next day. Al has houses in both Kenai and Homer, so it made it very convenient to travel down the Kenai Peninsula. Its about a 3 hour drive from Anchorage to Kenai and another 2 hours to Homer.

The drive down to Kenai is really pretty, I guess you can sometimes see Beluga whales along the coast. We didn't unfortunately. When the tide is low, there are huge mud flats which become exposed. Apparently, when this mud mixes with the ocean water as the tide comes back in the mud becomes like quick sand and if you get stuck out there, it can be impossible to become unstuck. I guess the locals will never forget when a young newlywed couple got stuck in the mud on their ATV. The woman hopped into the mud and got stuck. Her husband worked for two hours to free her and managed to free one leg. A rescue team was called in and worked to free her as well, but they had to stop the attempt as the tide came in and had to watch her drown. Terrible story... and we've been warned by several people not to walk out in the mud.

Here is the view from the back door of the house in Kenai. It is right on the beach.

Matt set up our new tent in the backyard and we slept in it that night.

The next day we drove down to Homer.

When we arrived, as we drove up the hill the fog got thicker and thicker and we almost couldn't see the turnoff to the house.

This is the view from the front of the Homer house across the Kachemak Bay. You can see one of the glaciers that make it impossible to drive to around the bay to Seldovia.

We drove down to the Homer Spit which is a large protrusion of land, with the longest road in the world into the ocean- a drive which takes about 15 minutes. It is a place where fishing boats come in and out and we even saw a gigantic cruise ship that docked there. There are many shops, restaurants, boat tours, and fishing excursion places along the spit. I guess it is world renowned for its halibut and oysters. We tried the halibut, thought it was ok, but loved the salmon, shrimp, and scallops. Best seafood we've ever had.

These guys can fillet a halibut in about 15 seconds.

The spent the night in the Homer house and set out the next day, July 4th, for Seldovia.
Can't believe how beautiful it is there. Such vistas- the glaciers, the mountains. Such a beautiful home on the beach. But what a sad story about the newlywed. That is some fearsome mud.